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Popular searches: AI Email, Contacts, Engagements

Assigning tasks to specific contacts in JeffreyAI allows you to keep track of activities and ensure they are managed by the appropriate team members. Here’s how to assign an activity:

  1. Navigate to Contacts:

    • Go to the Contacts tab from the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select a Contact:

    • On the Contacts page, locate and select the contact to whom the task is related.
  3. Open the Task Menu:

    • In the contact’s details view, click on the Task button (typically in red) just above the contact’s information.
  4. Enter Task Details:

    • A task creation box will appear at the bottom right of your screen.
    • Fill in details of the task, including a description, due date, and time for completion.
  5. Assign to a User:

    • Use the drop-down menu to select the team member responsible for completing the task.
  6. Set Notification Preferences:

    • Choose how the assigned user will be notified (e.g., push notification or email).
  7. Save the Task:

    • Once all fields are complete, click the Save button to assign the task to the contact.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and assign tasks within JeffreyAI, ensuring that each activity is tracked and assigned to the right team member.

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