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Popular searches: AI Email, Contacts, Engagements

The AI Email area in JeffreyAI will allow you to send emails in the platform, opening up the Engagements feature. As well as this, it will also allow the JeffreyAI Email Responder to automatically respond to your emails, based off the configuration set in the AI area.

JeffreyAI Google Integration

JeffreyAI is integrated with google to allow you to link your Gmail account to the platform.

Signing into Google with a non-Gmail account

When attempting to sign in to Google with a non-Gmail account, you may be prompted with a modal informing you that this will not successfully integrate your account to JeffreyAI.

What alternatives are there?

If you’re using an outlook or Hotmail address, JeffreyAI also offers an Outlook Integration. The same goes if you’re using a custom domain setup with Office365.

If you’re using a custom domain, JeffreyAI offers a Custom area, allowing you to put in custom email configurations. For google specifically, the following settings are required.

Please find below links to common custom email providers and their SMTP configurations:

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