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Popular searches: AI Email, Contacts, Engagements

The Organisations section in JeffreyAI allows you to manage all companies or organisations linked to your contacts, providing essential details like contact information, location, industry, and linked engagements. This feature is particularly useful for associating contacts with specific companies, helping to centralise information and streamline communication.

Viewing Organisations

To access the Organisations page:

  1. From the Dashboard, select Organisations (found under Connections in the blue sidebar on the left).
  2. Here, you’ll find a list of all organisations in your JeffreyAI workspace, each entry displaying basic information such as the organisation’s name, number of contacts, location, and industry.

Creating a New Organisation

To create a new organisation:

  1. Click Create Organisation at the top right of the page.
  2. A side menu will appear, prompting you to fill out required details, including:
    • Organisation Name (mandatory)
    • Location
    • Industry (selectable via dropdown)
    • Website, Number of Employees, and Revenue
  3. Complete the fields and click Create at the bottom right to save the new organisation. You can also cancel at any time if you wish to stop the process.

Once created, your new organisation will appear in the Organisations list, where you can manage it or assign contacts to it.

Adding Contacts to an Organisation

There are multiple ways to add contacts to an organisation:

  • You can assign a contact to an organisation directly while creating or editing the contact details.
  • Alternatively, from the Organisation Details page, you can link additional contacts by selecting the contacts you want associated with the organisation.

Organisation Details Page

Selecting an organisation brings you to its Details Page, where you can view and manage all relevant information:

  • The left-hand column displays the organisation’s profile, location, contact details, and any linked engagements. You can edit fields directly by clicking on them, then confirm changes by clicking outside the field.
  • Industry and Address fields include dropdown menus for easy selection, and any updates to address information will appear in the left column.
  • At the bottom, you have the option to Delete Organisation; however, this will not delete linked contacts but will remove the organisation from their details.

Activities and Contacts within an Organisation

The Activities Table displays all activities linked to the organisation, both standalone and through associated contacts. The latest activity is shown at the top, with filtering options available to help locate specific actions.

To view contacts associated with the organisation:

  • Click on Contacts at the top left of the activities table, which will show a list similar to the main Contacts page but limited to those linked to the selected organisation.

By effectively using the Organisations section, you can streamline the management of companies associated with your contacts, ensuring all necessary details are organised for efficient engagement and interaction.

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