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This guide helps users of our platform to import their contact list into the system. Users can use a CSV or Excel file for this process. After the import, users will have the option to link fields using dropdown options.

To import a contact list into JeffreyAI, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Connections: In the left-hand side menu, click on Connections and then select People to go to the contact page.

  2. Start the Import Process: Click the Import button and then select Upload to begin importing your file.

  3. Map Your Fields: Once the file is uploaded, you’ll be prompted to map the fields. Select the appropriate fields, like First Name, Last Name, Email, and Mobile, to match JeffreyAI’s contact fields. If you need to change a field, click the X icon next to it and reassign the correct one.

  4. Assign to a User: If you have multiple users, choose which user to assign the imported contacts to.

  5. Complete the Import: After mapping and assigning, your contact list will be imported, and you can begin managing your contacts within JeffreyAI.

By importing your contact list, you can efficiently start using JeffreyAI’s features to enhance your contact management and streamline productivity.

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One Reply to “How to Import a contact list file”

  1. […] also have the option to import a larger amount of contacts at once by pressing the “Import” button. If you do so, a text box […]