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Popular searches: AI Email, Contacts, Engagements
September 23, 2024• admin
Engagements are a crucial tool to help you effectively reach out to potential contacts, filter out potential leads, and pursue an opportunity. They are email based and can be used for mass marketing a product or service.
You can click on any engagement to view it in more detail. From here you will be able to clearly see and review the engagement’s performance.
In the top left of the screen you will be able to view some basic details, including the engagement name, total number of linked contacts and the start/end dates.
The statistics table in the top middle of the screen will detail the number and percentages of different responses, such as opens, replies and unsubscribes based on the total number of emails sent. These display as bars going across the screen to visualise the total rate of each action.
To the right of the table you will also be able to see the number of groups involved in the engagement, and the number of tasks and opportunities linked to it.
The table at the bottom can be used to show a contacts table, like that seen on the contacts page, or show the flow of the engagement by selecting the flow or contacts tabs at the top left-hand corner of the table.
The contacts tab shows a table with a very close resemblance to the table found on the contacts page and most of the functionality available is the same.
Contacts in the table can be edited or selected, and from there they can be removed from the engagement, have their data exported, or added to a new group or engagement as they can from the contacts page. However, some features such as pipeline view are not available from the engagement details page.
To create an engagement, select the create engagement button in the top right-hand corner.
You will be taken to a new screen where you’ll be asked to name and assign the engagement. A bar along the top of the screen will show your progress. Here you will be able to type the name of your engagement and assign it to a user. When you are ready, press “Next” to continue.
On the next step, you will be asked to select the date range for the engagement to function in, you can do this by selecting the start and end dates, these will be highlighted in a dark blue colour. The dates in between will appear in light blue.
On the third step you will be required to create the workflow. You will be able to choose from various different functions, the main ones are:
You can add multiple stages to your engagements, and if the something is wrong you can delete or edit steps.
The next page shows an example of a workflow you could create for an engagement.
On the 4th stage, you will have the opportunity to immediately add groups previously created to the engagement. All contacts added will be contacted by the engagement when the start date is reached. If you do not add any groups at this stage, you will be able to add contacts and groups at a later time.
When you are ready, press “Finish” to create your engagement. The engagement will automatically begin when the start date is reached.
Archiving is a feature that’s useful for storing old data without permanently deleting it from your work space in order to clear your view. For example, the data may be an old engagement or deal which may have no use in its current state but might be useful for the future.
You can view archived engagements by selecting the Archive heading at the top of the the table.